225 Club Recipes: Single Barrel straight wheat whiskey

Old Fashioned

Now we prefer sipping neat or on a big cube but this whiskey does make a beautiful old fashioned as well. We use normal cane sugar instead of demarara or panela to ensure we don’t hide the softness of the spirit with too earthy of a sugar. The same thought goes behind using Dram Apothecary’s Black Bitters which has a great balancing effect on cocktails without being able to really pick out its individual notes. However, use whatever sugar and bitters you have. It will still go down quite easy.


  • 2 oz Wheat Whiskey

  • 0.25 oz Double Strength Simple Syrup

  • 2 dashes Dram Black Bitters (or whatever available)

    We suggest building the cocktail in a different glass than the one you will drink out of, stirring with ice, then straining into your small rocks glass with a large cube (or fresh small cubes if a big one is not available.) This ensures the proper dilution of the cocktail prior to putting it over ice that is meant to just keep it cold. Express an orange peel over the cocktail and drop it in.


225 Club Release No. 3 : Single Barrel Straight Rye Whiskey


225 Club Release No. 2 : Single Barrel Straight Wheat Whiskey