225 Club Release No. 2 : Single Barrel Straight Wheat Whiskey

America is one of the few countries that utilizes many different grains in the production of whiskey. That results in many different flavor profiles. This is especially true when the other potential variables are accounted for: yeast selection, water, barrels, duration of aging, barrel entry proof, etc.

Wheat has been in the spotlight lately but not in the form of its’ own whiskey, in the form of highly allocated and highly second market mark-up bourbons. Bottles reselling for thousands of dollars. Why? Well, your most standard mash bill for bourbon has rye as the accessory grain to give depth to the sweetness of the corn. Rye adds that spicy kick at the finish of your common bourbons. When wheat replaces rye you end up with an incredibly soft finish that is becoming more desirable in sipping whiskey.

This whiskey is a celebration of just the softness and subtle earthy character of wheat. With a mash bill of 45% white wheat, 25% red wheat, and 30% malted barley. Aged for 2 years in Canton Cooperage 36mo seasoned barrels. This thing is a true sipper. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

k. k. & m

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