225 Club YEAR 5 release: experimental gin no. 3-herbal

The second release for YEAR 5 of 225 CLUB is Experimental Gin no. 3

Rosemary, basil, mint, and thyme are the stars of the show in this bright + earthy Gin. The fresh green grassy notes from the herbs are present on the nose and immediately on the palette, hints of lemon + citrus brighten up the spirit while earthy notes from rosemary and thyme linger, ultimately finishing with some juniper dryness.

Even with a family of seasonal gins as staples in the Tasting Room building, a new recipe is a ton of fun for us. We love figuring out how flavors balance, compliment, or conflict with each other. Our first run of this gin didn’t QUITE produce the strong herbal profile we were looking for, so with our extra time we increased the herbs in the maceration - by a TON - and the end result was a gin perfect for sipping in the summertime and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

k, k, & m

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225 Club Recipes: Experimental Gin no. 3-Herbal


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